Health Partnership
The Atlantic First Nations Health Partnership (Health Partnership) exists to improve the health and wellbeing of Atlantic First Nations thought participation of First Nations in the planning, management, and delivery of programs and services funded or deliver by FNIHB/ISC.
The Atlantic First Nations Health Directors’ Meetings
The Atlantic First Nations Regional Health Directors’ Meetings are essential to ensure that Health Directors have an opportunity to share, collaborate and strategize on issues. Health Directors’ meetings are an integral part of the Atlantic First Nations Health Partnership. Health Directors receive regular updates on the progress made by the Health Partnership, in turn, the Health Directors provide valuable insight, feedback, and recommendations to inform the planning, management and delivery of health activities.
The Four Health Partnership Committees
The Health Partnership has four Committees. They are Mental Wellness, Public Health and Primary Care (PHPC), Child and Youth, and Non-Insured Health Benefits (NIHB). Each committee makes funding and policy recommendations on a wide variety of programs and services encompassed by that committee.
- The PHPC Committee programs include: Healthy Living, Environmental Health, Health Assessment and Surveillance, First Nations and Inuit e-Health Infostructure, First Nations and Inuit Home and Community Care, Public Health Nursing Services and Community Health Representatives;
- The Child and Youth Committee programs include: Healthy Child Development, Community Oral Health Services, and Jordan’s Principal;
- The Mental Wellness Committee programs include: Mental Health and Suicide Prevention, Substance Abuse Prevention and Treatment, Indian Residential Schools Resolution Health Support Work (RHSW), and Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls (MMIWG) Health Support; and
- NIHB Committee programs include: Medical Transportation, Mental Health Care – Counselling and Traditional Healing, Medical Supplies and Equipment, Pharmacy, Vision Care, and Dental Treatment.
Other Supports To The Health Partnership
- Policy Group meetings: The Policy Group includes policy staff from FNIHB/ISC and the Health Partnership Secretariat. They are chaired by the Health Partnership Secretariat. The Group recommends improvements to Health Partnership’s structures and processes;
- Committees Coordinating Group (CCG) meetings: The CCG works on items that are of interest to two or more of the Health Partnership Committees. They are chaired by the Health Partnership Secretariat. Members include the Health Partnership Committees’ Co-chairs and a FNIHB/ISC policy support person;
- First Nations Caucus meetings: The First Nations members of the Health Partnership meet a day before each Health Partnership meeting to prepare. They are chaired by the Health Partnership Secretariat.