Projects & Initiatives
Conferences & Workshops
Workshops and conferences are conducted to bring people together from academic and community settings to share knowledge and build relationships.
Enhancing Aboriginal Economic Development through Community-Based Research
The AAEDIRP held an Atlantic Region conference entitled “Enhancing Aboriginal Economic Development through Community Based Research” in Moncton from October 18-20, 2017. The conference was well attended and brought together the AAEDIRP community as well as academic/government partners and presenters from across Canada and the United States. Presentations and discussions included topics such as Indigenous economic performance in Atlantic Canada; Indigenous corporate engagement and partnership development; entrepreneurship; and “Indigenizing the Academy”. Panel discussions were held on the importance of preserving and protecting traditions, pathways to success through post-secondary education, and building capacity in research ethics through community engagement. An Elders’ panel and a youth panel spoke to the importance of continuously engaging culture and traditions as communities move forward with efforts to advance and enhance community and economic development.
As part of the conference, the “Perfect Pitch” was held. This event provided four young entrepreneurs the opportunity to pitch their business ideas to a panel of judges. The panel chose two entrepreneurs to win a prize consisting of services designed to assist young entrepreneurs in moving forward with their business plans. The services were generously donated by Ulnooweg, the Joint Economic Development Initiative, and RISE Research and Analytics. We thank the young entrepreneurs who participated in this event and the sponsors for providing services to them. All of the pitches presented were impressive and picking two winners was a difficult decision. The two final winners were Janine Bernard of Case de Delleza Esthetics in Paqtnkek and Cody Brooks of Atlantic HydroGreens in St. Mary’s.
Aboriginal Peoples Week: Building Reconciliation
The AAEDIRP supported Aboriginal People’s Week at Memorial University from March 20-24, 2017. The theme of Aboriginal People’s Week was “Building Reconciliation”. The week had two primary foci – celebrating Aboriginal peoples and cultures, and discussions on what building reconciliation looks like at Memorial. There were activities and performances to highlight Aboriginal culture and traditions. There were five forums focused on particular aspects of building reconciliation. These forums engaged academic and administrative personnel and Aboriginal community stakeholders. The goals of these forums were to foster change that will raise awareness, highlight Aboriginal representation at the university, and build supports and resources to increase Aboriginal student participation and success rates.
A Gathering of Indigneous Elders and Knowledge Holders
The AAEDIRP supported an Elder’s Gathering that took place on March 9, 2017 at Millbrook First Nation. The gathering included 15 Elders from across the Atlantic region. The purpose of the Gathering was to provide the opportunity for Elders to contribute to the development of The Atlantic Indigenous Mentorship (AIM) Network. This proposed Network of academic and community partners are interested in expanding and enhancing the research capacity, skills, and career paths of Aboriginal early career researchers and trainees in Aboriginal health research at all post-secondary levels within Atlantic Canada. At its core, the proposed Network will be guided by spirit, ceremony, and storytelling; hence, the importance of receiving guidance and wisdom from Elders. In particular, the Elders provided specific guidance around the governance of the Network, and also offered overall recommendations for the proposed direction of the Network.
Making Connections: Key Economic Drivers in Aboriginal Rural and Remote Communities – Aboriginal Youth, Colleges and Industries
In collaboration with the College of the North Atlantic, Happy Valley-Goose Bay campus, a workshop was held in Labrador to follow-up on a workshop held in 2014. The 2014 workshop gathered community input into the commencement of research exploring student recruitment, retention and transition into the workforce. The 2016 workshop, held on March 9-10, was attended by community members including Elders and Chiefs, students, college staff, and industry partners. Preliminary results from AAEDIRP research, Making Connections: Key Economic Drivers in Aboriginal Rural and Remote Communities – Aboriginal Youth, Colleges and Industries, was presented. Panel and round table discussions focused on strategies for overcoming challenges to Aboriginal access to post-secondary education and employment. Input was provided into the research and recommendations were made that provide strategies to assist students to gain access to education and meaningful employment.
APCFNC Circle of Knowledge Keepers
Three workshops were held in 2015-2016 to bring together a group of Elders from the Atlantic Region to create a book containing stories told by Maliseet, Mi’kmaq, Innu, and Inuit Elders. This book provides insight into some aspects of Atlantic Aboriginal customs and traditions. The book was widely distributed across the Atlantic region and is also available on the AAEDIRP website.
The Role of Elders in Research and University Education
The AAEDIRP sponsored and collaborated on a workshop held in Miawpukek First Nation on March 22nd, 2014. The workshop was developed in partnership with post-secondary researchers and Miawpukek First Nation. It brought together researchers, First Nation community members including Elders, and other stakeholders to learn about community-based research practices. It provided an opportunity for participants to discuss and increase understanding of the roles of Elders; and to learn more about the purpose and processes of research conducted with, and by, First Nations communities.
Building Research Capacity and Partnerships: Connecting First Nations, Universities and Urban Communities
The AAEDIRP sponsored and collaborated on a workshop held in Kingsclear First Nation on February 26th, 2014. The workshop was developed in partnership with the Faculty of Education, University of New Brunswick (UNB), the Mi’kmaq Maliseet Institute (UNB), and the Urban Aboriginal Knowledge Network (UAKN) Atlantic Research Centre. It was facilitated by David Perley (UNB). The workshop brought together First Nation community members, including Elders, University faculty, student researchers, and urban community groups to learn about community-based practices. It provided an opportunity for community administrators wishing to pursue research to connect with established researchers, and also for students and others to learn more about the intricacies and ethics of conducting research with First Nations people and communities.
Atlantic Aboriginal Fisheries Project – Sharing Knowledge and Building Partnerships
The AAEDIRP hosted a workshop in Moncton, NB, on January 30th and 31st, 2014. This workshop brought together delegates involved in research and Atlantic Aboriginal Fisheries to explore the question: How can we begin to build more effective partnerships with post-secondary resources to address the research needs of Aboriginal Fisheries across Atlantic Canada? This question came out of research conducted by the AAEDIRP to explore what post-secondary resources are available to support Atlantic Aboriginal Fisheries and how those resources can be more effectively engaged with. The data gathered at this workshop were analyzed in conjunction with the data from Phase II of an AAEDIRP fisheries research project to develop recommendations on ways to more adequately address the research needs of Atlantic Aboriginal Fisheries.
Community-level Data Gathering Project (CLDGP) – Database Review and Moving Forward
The AAEDIRP hosted a workshop for Band Managers and other key stakeholders across the Atlantic Region on January 15th, 2014 to review the CLDGP pilot project, gain input from participants, and promote usage of the database to a larger group of stakeholders. A presentation was done on the database including input from community members using the database. The surveys were reviewed and input was received from the participants on data capture and features they feel important to include. Instruction was also provided on how to input data and produce reports. This workshop provided opportunity to review the database and receive input from community members. This input will inform future development of the database.
Community-level Data Gathering Project (CLDGP) – Pilot
The AAEDIRP hosted an instructional workshop for Band Managers on Thursday, November 7th, 2013 to provide training to a group of Band Managers and launch the Community-level Data Gathering Project (CLDGP) database. The workshop introduced a core group of Band Managers to the CLDGP database. The Band Managers who attended the workshop piloted the database and completed data input for their respective communities in February, 2014. The participating communities will receive their final reports on the analyzed data in May, 2014.
Atlantic Aboriginal Women in Business: Sharing Stories, Building Capacities, Enhancing Futures
The AAEDIRP hosted a conference at the Glooscap Annex, Millbrook First Nation on October 17th, 2013. The workshop brought together 57 delegates from across the Atlantic Region. The delegates engaged in sharing stories and participated in business development workshops. Delegates also engaged in discussion with researchers who were conducting research in collaboration with the AAEDIRP exploring entrepreneurship among First Nations women in the Atlantic Region. The conference provided a forum for women in business to network and to engage in workshops designed to assist in growing their businesses. The two workshops provided were: (1) Access to Capital – Ulnooweg Development Group Inc., and (2) Marketing and Social Media -M Carroll Consulting.
Honouring Our Elders: A Traditional Gathering to Share Knowledge
The AAEDIRP supported and participated in the APCFNC Honouring Our Elders: A Traditional Gathering to Share Knowledge at the Crowne Plaza Hotel in Fredericton, New Brunswick on June 20th and 21st, 2013. The AAEDIRP led a series of sharing circles with the Elders to discuss how the Elders see their involvement in AAEDIRP decision making processes, research, and capacity building. The knowledge gained from the circles will provide the AAEDIRP with practical advice and guidance on engaging Elders in its research processes.
Aboriginal Economic Development: What does it Mean to Collaborate and Build Capacity?
The AAEDIRP hosted an Atlantic Region research workshop at the Dartmouth Holiday Inn, February 6 – 7, 2013. The Workshop consisted of the sharing of knowledge gained from research that has been conducted, or is being conducted, in Atlantic Aboriginal communities. The workshop also provided the opportunity to explore some of the challenges and benefits encountered in research-related relationship building with academic, government and Aboriginal community partnership involvement. The Workshop was attended by 87 delegates from communities throughout Atlantic Canada. Presenters and Panelists consisted of Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal researchers, and Aboriginal community members including Elders.