AFOA Canada Harvard Business School Certificate Program Is Accepting Applications

Leading People and Investing to Build Sustainable Communities is a certificate program created through the collaboration of AFOA Canada, the Harvard Business School, NAFOA, and the National Congress of American Indians. This program takes place at Harvard Business School in Boston, Massachusetts.

This four-day program provides participants with the opportunity to view community investments in a broader context. While it is important to understand investment tools, strategies and products, it is equally important to understand how governance practices can shape the management of the investments with a longer-term view toward building sustainable communities. The skill sets of entrepreneurial finance, negotiations, and change management complement effective governance of community investments. Participants learn using the HBS case study method. Interactive lectures and small study groups ensure lively, thought-provoking discussions and the sharing of innovative ideas. Upon successful completion, all participants will be awarded a Harvard Business School Certificate of Program Completion.