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Atlantic Indigenous Labour Market Initiative: Preparing Today’s Youth for Future Employment
Workforce talent recruitment and retention is one of the most urgent issues facing the Atlantic region. In the next decade, the Canadian economy is...
First Nation to resume fishery despite ongoing negotiations with DFO
A CTV article detailing Eel Ground First Nation resuming a treaty fishery for snow crab despite negotiations with DFO.
2 more dead North Atlantic right whales found in Gulf of St. Lawrence
A CBC article discussing more deaths of the endangered species. Two North Atlantic right whales were found floating dead in the Gulf of St. Lawrence...
Corporate Structuring For Atlantic First Nations Water Authority
This preliminary report discusses corporate structuring options for the perspective Atlantic First Nations Water Authority. The contents were...
On-Reserve Housing Infrastructure- Recommendations for Change
Standing Senate Committee on Aboriginal Peoples - On-Reserve Housing & Infrastructure: Recommendations for Change. Dartmouth, Nova Scotia —...